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Small to medium size chews
Medium to Large size chews
Large to Mega size chews
We recommend the Split Elk, or treat chew as we call it. The marrow is easy to access, giving them incentive to chew and will last longer for a lighter chewer.
Caribou and Whole Elk offers a great solution for the medium chewer. With a lighter enamel and harder core it will last longer for a medium chewer.
Hard enamel antlers are best for the aggressive chewer - Whitetail and Moose.
Hardest enamel, excellent for the aggressive chewer. The thick enamel and smaller marrow will help it last longer.
Caribou offers a lighter enamel, less marrow, and harder core. Great for your medium chewers.
Great for the medium to heavy chewer as it offers a long lasting thick enamel and tasty marrow
We consider this our treat chew, as it is softer, easy to get to the marrow and very tasty. These are not long lasting, especially for the aggressive chewer.
Medium enamel, great for the medium to heavy chewers. Comparable to split elk but longer lasting. Thicker, meaty marrow.
Hard enamel, great for heavy chewers, very long lasting.
Not at all. There is no staining, there's no foul smell, and do not splinter. Keep in mind, as your dog chews it down, you'll want to remove it when it becomes small enough for a choking hazard.
It's not. The marrow becomes granular and is ingested as they chew. Also, marrow is a very good source of nutrition.
Yes! Antler contain natural vitamins and minerals encased in the marrow of the antler. They also help remove tartar and support your dog's dental health.
Antler chews are non toxic, all natural, nutritional and a renewable resource. They are safe for your dog to ingest, don’t leave a mess, and are USA based.
Find some great information within our write up, below.
Are Antler Chews Good For Dogs?
It is in your dog’s nature to chew on antlers and bones. In fact, they are even designed for chewing them. Canines have been chewing antlers and bones before they became a part of our lives, so there must be something beneficial about it. Domesticated dogs still need essentially the same nutrients that their predecessors did, but with today’s common corn-based food, sometimes dogs do not get the essentials they need. Like their hunting relatives, dogs are primarily meat eaters, and the raw antler marrow from antler chews offer dogs many of the nutrients that they still need.
Animals are amazingly adept at taking care of most of their problems naturally. As we discussed before, chewing bones helps to clean teeth in between professional dental cleanings. Healthy teeth and gums are a major cornerstone to having a healthy animal, so the more that can be done to prevent dental disease in your pup, the better.
Besides cleaning your dog’s teeth, chewing on antlers serves as an activity in itself. This is something for those who have a dog with separation anxiety or destructive boredom can really get on board with. Not only does it provide mental stimulation for your bored pup, it also exercises the muscles of the jaw and face, and even the feet and legs, depending on how into it they get.
Dogs and antlers go together like peanut butter and jelly or peas in a pod. Hopefully, you have a better understanding of why dogs like antler chews by now. Dogs are drawn to antlers for many reasons, most of which stem back to their ancestors. You can help foster this innate behavior safely with the right products and precautions so that your pup can enjoy the benefits of chewing on antlers without the concern of injury or illness.
Find some great information within our write up, below.
Why Do Dogs Love Chewing On Antlers??
Chewing on antlers provides mental stimulation, exercise for jaw muscles, and a natural way to clean plaque and tartar from teeth all while massaging the gums.
An antler probably doesn’t seem like a delicacy to you and me, but for dogs it can be almost as good as chewing on a piece of meat from the animal in which the antler came. Let’s gnaw on those reasons that dog’s like antlers in a little more detail.
In the dog world, antler marrow is the equivalent of a Snickers bar. Antler marrow is high in nutrients which means it is highly sought after for taste and nutrition. Eating antler marrow can be the difference between life and death for starving animals. However, antler marrow isn’t the only area of the chew that is tasty. They enjoy the structure itself which is the glue that holds the minerals like calcium and phosphorus together.
Mother Nature works in mysterious ways. One of those ways is that chewing stimulates dogs to release endorphins. We all know endorphins make us feel good and are responsible for that so-called “Runner’s High” that we experience after exercise. But why is chewing so important for dogs? As we discussed above, antler marrow is a great source of nutrients and is one of the body’s last reserves to be lost when an animal is in starvation mode. This means that when wild dogs are faced with poor quality prey, they often rely on marrow as a significant source of energy even though it is harder to get to. If chewing makes a dog feel good, they’re more likely to do it and therefore, more likely to get to that life-saving marrow when needed. But just because your dog is not facing starvation, doesn’t mean that they don’t want to experience the natural high from chewing.
Since most of our pups don’t have a 9-5 job, they need to fill those daytime hours while we’re gone with something constructive to do, otherwise they’ll become destructive. Gnawing on an antler chew can actually be very stimulating for them. Besides the endorphin release that they get when chewing, dogs may actually enjoy the problem solving skills that it sometimes requires to get to that last bit of marrow in the antler.
The act of chewing on an antler chew is very similar to the action that a dental descaler has on your dog’s teeth. Gnawing and chewing on the rough surface of an antler can actually scrape off tough tartar and plaque while massaging and stimulating gums.
Find some great information within our write up, below.
Do All Dogs Like Antlers?
Now that you’ve seen the reasons why dogs like antlers, you may have noticed that all of these reasons are non-specific to the breed or the size of a dog. So, it would be fair to assume that all dogs appreciate a good antler gnawing, whether they’re little, big, or somewhere in between. That being said, every dog is different. We’ve all had that pup that was a bit of an outlier that didn’t care much for normal doggy things. Some dogs might not like antlers while others would think that an antler chew hung the moon. That’s why we try and provide the largest variety of antler chews available, so that you can be sure and find the best fit and type that your pooch will truly enjoy.
We are defined by our commitment to astonishing quality and service; respect for and stewardship of the American outdoors and its wildlife resources; and to helping create moments of connection between individuals and their wonderful and selfless canine companions.